I was blessed enough to see her live in concert performed her entire album: The Sea, as well as some old gems from her self-titled first album, and other leaked tracks prior to that (like 'Que Sera Sera'). Anyway I love her. I love the video.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
John Legend & The Roots
I just found out that John Legend and The Roots are planning on a collaborative album in the near future. The musical theme behind this collaboration is empowerment from music from the 60s and 70s when young people where inspired to make a change for themselves.
I'm excited for this :)
I'm excited for this :)
G-20 in Toronto
Hello World,
Like I said a few posts ago, I went to NYC a few days ago and had a BLAST (minus my allergies, and long bus ride). When I left the G20 and the G8 just started. Prior to me leaving everyone was talking about it at work, on the papers and elsewhere. Mostly about how much money was chosen to be invested for security (something like a 1 BILLION DOLLARS).
When I came back into town (the last day of the G20), everything was crazy. COPS everywhere, streets blocked, and apparently it was crazier (my cab driver told me that there were a few cars lit up on fire, stores down on the main shopping districks broken into, starbucks trashed and all kinds of other madness. I also found out that there were a HIGH number of arrests.
I've posted a link before in regards to police brutality in Toronto, and I've expressed how ANGRY it makes me feel. Had I been in Toronto at the time of the summit, I think I would've wanted to be in the rally involving first nations in Canada... but anyways. Because I wasn't there it was a bit hard to envision how exactly it must've been like to be there.. on the streets, in the middle of all this chaos. But thanks to youtube, I've watched a few clips that were able to give me a general gist of how everything went down.
... I think the older I'm getting the more I don't like cops lol. There's not much of a criteria that's necessary to be a cop from what I know. No education necessary, not much training. ... To me cops are essentially people that are the beneficiaries of a particular hierarchy/group of people that society gave the right to give the license to kill. (not sure if that makes sense). All of which on paper is deemed acceptable if it is within "reasonable grounds that co-sign with laws of the state". But I think in actuality, they can do whatever the hell they want, and they can get away with it.
This is not to discredit the fact that there are good cops around and that cops are necessary sometimes, but it's the bad seeds, and the overflowing prison population (a LOT of which consists of racialized (alot of which are black) people (coincidence? or not??), and the money invested in having more prisons (instead of investing it somewhere else like ...I dunno decreasing tuition fees? fix the welfare system? help people? fix schools? pay teachers more? create programs to get kids off the street? to ACTUALLY HELP single mothers??) that make me question the whole structure of it all. ... not to mention the ability of that person who went through the prison system to find a way to live afterwards, and get a job, is almost impossible.
I don't understand how investing 1 freakin' billion dollars in security for 5 days and to create an inconvenience for a whole city by blocking streets (creating a loss in business for some people), subways systems, highways for this makes any sense. I think it's all politics. I think it's a way for Toronto/Ontario... or ultimately Canada to show off. To look good. To make it look like this is excuse my profanity: 'exclusive shit' that only 'exclusive people' can have. This by all the more creates this kind of barrier and increases the gap between world leaders and ... the rest. How can you relate... ultimately trust these people?
(sidebar: this is one of these rants that always make me question why I decided to study political science... lol... I question if that's how I can be successful with my degree? to be one of 'them' ... I dunno if I could ever do that... or be one of 'these' people... ever.)
(but I digress)
so my question/reaction to this overall G-20 thing is.... WTF?
We as a people should be holding these state actors accountable. We should have the right to be able to protest, to question government, to make THEM WORK FOR US... NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
k (that is all.)
Like I said a few posts ago, I went to NYC a few days ago and had a BLAST (minus my allergies, and long bus ride). When I left the G20 and the G8 just started. Prior to me leaving everyone was talking about it at work, on the papers and elsewhere. Mostly about how much money was chosen to be invested for security (something like a 1 BILLION DOLLARS).
When I came back into town (the last day of the G20), everything was crazy. COPS everywhere, streets blocked, and apparently it was crazier (my cab driver told me that there were a few cars lit up on fire, stores down on the main shopping districks broken into, starbucks trashed and all kinds of other madness. I also found out that there were a HIGH number of arrests.
I've posted a link before in regards to police brutality in Toronto, and I've expressed how ANGRY it makes me feel. Had I been in Toronto at the time of the summit, I think I would've wanted to be in the rally involving first nations in Canada... but anyways. Because I wasn't there it was a bit hard to envision how exactly it must've been like to be there.. on the streets, in the middle of all this chaos. But thanks to youtube, I've watched a few clips that were able to give me a general gist of how everything went down.
... I think the older I'm getting the more I don't like cops lol. There's not much of a criteria that's necessary to be a cop from what I know. No education necessary, not much training. ... To me cops are essentially people that are the beneficiaries of a particular hierarchy/group of people that society gave the right to give the license to kill. (not sure if that makes sense). All of which on paper is deemed acceptable if it is within "reasonable grounds that co-sign with laws of the state". But I think in actuality, they can do whatever the hell they want, and they can get away with it.
This is not to discredit the fact that there are good cops around and that cops are necessary sometimes, but it's the bad seeds, and the overflowing prison population (a LOT of which consists of racialized (alot of which are black) people (coincidence? or not??), and the money invested in having more prisons (instead of investing it somewhere else like ...I dunno decreasing tuition fees? fix the welfare system? help people? fix schools? pay teachers more? create programs to get kids off the street? to ACTUALLY HELP single mothers??) that make me question the whole structure of it all. ... not to mention the ability of that person who went through the prison system to find a way to live afterwards, and get a job, is almost impossible.
I don't understand how investing 1 freakin' billion dollars in security for 5 days and to create an inconvenience for a whole city by blocking streets (creating a loss in business for some people), subways systems, highways for this makes any sense. I think it's all politics. I think it's a way for Toronto/Ontario... or ultimately Canada to show off. To look good. To make it look like this is excuse my profanity: 'exclusive shit' that only 'exclusive people' can have. This by all the more creates this kind of barrier and increases the gap between world leaders and ... the rest. How can you relate... ultimately trust these people?
(sidebar: this is one of these rants that always make me question why I decided to study political science... lol... I question if that's how I can be successful with my degree? to be one of 'them' ... I dunno if I could ever do that... or be one of 'these' people... ever.)
(but I digress)
so my question/reaction to this overall G-20 thing is.... WTF?
We as a people should be holding these state actors accountable. We should have the right to be able to protest, to question government, to make THEM WORK FOR US... NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
k (that is all.)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
How I got Over
In order to celebrate The Roots new release: "How I Got Over" !!!
here's the video for their first official single from the album.
I can't remember who directs it... or who's producing their album.
But enjoy!
here's the video for their first official single from the album.
I can't remember who directs it... or who's producing their album.
But enjoy!
"Blackberry Love"
Here's a video from a friend of mine. He's a spoken word artist.
I've watched him perform this piece a few times, and it still makes me smile and laugh everytime lol... but when it is all said and done... Despite my complicated relationship with my iphone (on and off again, fights, drops lol, replacements, comebacks lol) ... Not sure if I could ever get a blackberry lol.
iphoners stand up
(enjoy!!.. & get familiar with My friend: David Delisca)
I've watched him perform this piece a few times, and it still makes me smile and laugh everytime lol... but when it is all said and done... Despite my complicated relationship with my iphone (on and off again, fights, drops lol, replacements, comebacks lol) ... Not sure if I could ever get a blackberry lol.
iphoners stand up
(enjoy!!.. & get familiar with My friend: David Delisca)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The Roots: The Day (feat Blu & Phonte) | KevinNottingham.com
The Roots: The Day (feat Blu & Phonte) | KevinNottingham.com
The track is fire.
Everything about this track = love & a happy face right now.
The Roots: The Day (feat Blu & Phonte) | KevinNottingham.com
The track is fire.
Everything about this track = love & a happy face right now.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Bob Marley
"Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life."
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Manual (remix)
travis mccoy ft t-pain & young cash
(ps. I had no idea who young cash was,..is.)
I like it.
(ps. I had no idea who young cash was,..is.)
I like it.
hmm One for the locals...
I just found this,
this one is hailing from the local grounds of Canada, more specifically Ontario.
Artist called: King Reign.
Never heard of him before but I'M IN LOVE THIS EP!
I recognize the instrumental of one of the track, I heard from Ian Kamau's mixtape: Vol 3. (Love&OtherStruggles) (another artist YOU SHOULD GET ON!!!like ASAP)
this one is hailing from the local grounds of Canada, more specifically Ontario.
Artist called: King Reign.
Never heard of him before but I'M IN LOVE THIS EP!
I recognize the instrumental of one of the track, I heard from Ian Kamau's mixtape: Vol 3. (Love&OtherStruggles) (another artist YOU SHOULD GET ON!!!like ASAP)
So Close so far
Statik Selektah feat. Bun B, Wale & Colin Munroe
The Fire (feat. John Legend) - The Roots
I found another gem from The Roots! I can't wait for their new album!
This one called: The Fire (feat. John Legend)
This one called: The Fire (feat. John Legend)
Paintings Sneak peak
Medicine for Melancholy
I watched this movie the other day. Great film! There's something about the way it was produced that has officially sparked something in me, and I remembered that I always appreciated foreign films... more specifically french ones for obvious reasons lol.
Anyway moral of this story = Go watch it! I need to watch more movies like this!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Good Morning...
Do you ever have these mornings where the hours before your body caved in into the fatigue it was weeping. For whatever reason, tears came flowing with no disregard for the fact I had work the next day. And so now you wake up with bags under your eyes, hoping they will disappear by the time you finish showering and have to head out the door.
I cried the other day. I'm not sure where it came from. I think I was just extremely home sick. I miss my parents, friends. I miss my sisters and my brothers. (I was also mad at myself for many other pathetic reasons)...I remember seeing a picture of my parents at my cousin's high school graduation pics on fb, and it started again.
Why am I even writing this.
I don't know why.
But I feel the need to.
Better yet, I'm not sure why anyone would want to read what I'm saying right now lol.
(But thanks for reading... if you're reading it means you care... so I appreciate you)
The pic below reminds me of my dad sort-of. minus the light swagger that I get from the clothes this man is wearing. lol

India Arie's Song: Good Morning ... is one that captures a lot of my everyday mornings. I find it to be melancholic, real... and it captures how my state of mind right now.
On a random note >> I started painting for the 1st time, using cotton canvases and acrylic paint... maybe one day I'll take a picture of it and post it on here. >>> I smell many more amateur paintings to come!

Strange Fruit
I cried the other day. I'm not sure where it came from. I think I was just extremely home sick. I miss my parents, friends. I miss my sisters and my brothers. (I was also mad at myself for many other pathetic reasons)...I remember seeing a picture of my parents at my cousin's high school graduation pics on fb, and it started again.
Why am I even writing this.
I don't know why.
But I feel the need to.
Better yet, I'm not sure why anyone would want to read what I'm saying right now lol.
(But thanks for reading... if you're reading it means you care... so I appreciate you)
The pic below reminds me of my dad sort-of. minus the light swagger that I get from the clothes this man is wearing. lol
India Arie's Song: Good Morning ... is one that captures a lot of my everyday mornings. I find it to be melancholic, real... and it captures how my state of mind right now.
On a random note >> I started painting for the 1st time, using cotton canvases and acrylic paint... maybe one day I'll take a picture of it and post it on here. >>> I smell many more amateur paintings to come!
Strange Fruit
Saturday, June 5, 2010
To Inspire... or to Be inspired
J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement from Harvard Magazine on Vimeo.
It's graduation time. Not my graduation time but my friends. Yesterday I started to set up my schedule for my last year for my undergrad. Lately I've had a pressing thought or worry. Everyone is saying that I need to go for a masters, because political science alone won't get me anything solid. But I'm in soooooooooooooo much debt. My entire post-secondary education (for the 4, going on 5 years it's lasted) has been 100% reliant on my student loan. I've been fortunate enough to get a few bursaries and scholarships here and there... but nothing too significant. I'm investing 40 000$ on a receipt that may not be as valuable when I do enter the labour market.
...To me it doesn't make any sense to go for a masters right away for 2 reasons:
1. I don't have any practical experience in the field
2. I'm adding more on my loan. (plus amounting interest)
...(I digress)
Who's to say I'll be happy when I'm done it all. There are so many things I want to do, and I refuse to settle for a job that will make me unhappy but will pay the bills. But at the same time, bills need to get paid. I don't want to fail. No one wants to fail. But ... I'm pretty sure that's what's gonna happen lol.
Plus, I've been questioning why I always seem to be drawn towards certain kinds of music, or art, or dance... and I'm pretty sure I'm always going to be in love with all of that. Because it's my creative outlet. Do I incorporate that into my future plans? Can I?
I don't know.
As much as I sometimes tend to romanticize the learning that comes with failures. It doesn't mean I want them to happen... it's just that if they do, I need to learn how to deal with them. and truthfully I'm not sure if I can.
failure stripping away of the inessential, stop pretending to myself I was anything other than what I was.
... But I think at the end of the day, at least it'll help me narrow down everything. Strip away everything that's unnecessary. Using rockbottom as a foundation.
The only thing I know for sure... is that I want to be happy. I want to be happy with myself, with God. ... and I want to inspire people. There's nothing that brings me more joy than to make someone's day. lol... it sounds really lame. But if I know that I've blessed you, helped you in any way shape or form, I guarantee you I will be smiling like a 5 year old for at least a solid 10 minutes lol.
if I can do that .... then I = :)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Homage to Black Men I found on Google
I love to laugh. You love to laugh. If you say no, then you're a liar. If someone can make me laugh (and trust me it's not that hard lol) then you have my attention :)
I always have the faces of my significant others engraved on how their faces look like when they laugh. It makes me smile if not physically, then internally.
laughing is healthy. It's universal... no matter the language.
crack a joke, make a fool of yourself or enjoy watching other people make a fool of themselves lol...
... I'm pretty sure it'll make you live longer, lessen the future wrinkles, and workout your abs.
and on that note I say
Dance like NO ONE IS WATCHING!!!
I always have the faces of my significant others engraved on how their faces look like when they laugh. It makes me smile if not physically, then internally.
laughing is healthy. It's universal... no matter the language.
crack a joke, make a fool of yourself or enjoy watching other people make a fool of themselves lol...
... I'm pretty sure it'll make you live longer, lessen the future wrinkles, and workout your abs.
and on that note I say
Dance like NO ONE IS WATCHING!!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
In the Rain...
I've come to really appreciate photography. I love it because sometimes I think what can be captured in a lens is more beautiful than what I see. I mean it both in the litteral sense because I wear glasses... but also figuratively because photography has a way to capture feelings, and frame it as art.... I think that's powerful.
It's raining today. I think the sun was tired of shinning for so long, and now it's crying lol. I like rain. I prefer warm Caribbean rain instead of Canadian cold rain... because I'm an island child. I like heat...I feel very mellow, so mellow that all I did today was read, be lazy have tea and cookies... I like the smell of outside after it rains. I always think it smells like the Ozone layer from the thunder. Here's a beautiful gem that I found by an artist named Hope. ... and it just so happen to talk about rain lol.
Lessons learned in the rain?
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