Free Track of the night!!
Exile - Love Line (feat. Blu)
I heart Blu .. and I heart Exile. So naturally you might guess that Below the Heavens was a juicy album. That has not left my ipod since I found it. :)
Sigh, I need a bigger ipod, and I need my iphone to work properly, so I can add new songs. I just had to sacrifice classic favourites like Stevie wonder, Diana Ross & the supremes out of my ipod to make room for Bilal's 1st Born Second. And trust me, it was not an easy decision.
so if you're reading this, and you have an ipod to spare lol... feel free to send it my way :) ...
Can't get enough of your love bayybaayy (*insert Barry White songs*) lol
Oh yeah, I painted today. I repainted this painting/collage thing I did for a friend, because I wasn't happy with it. I realized I was compromising my art for the sake of pleasing a group of people. So I fixed it over the weekend. I still need to add a few things to it to finish it off. But it looks SOOO much better! lol... I can finally sigh of relief lol. ... I would take pictures of it, but I have no camera. And my friend is taking this with her to Italy soooo.......... I guess not.
On another tip..
Item I plan on owning soon:
-Black pencil skirt. (I'm planning on putting myself out there, and network the hell out of every opportunity I can get this year, so that I can be set by the time graduation rolls around)
- Oh and classic black pumps.
- Boots - for fall (possibly knee-high)
Item I plan on actually rocking:
- asos mini-trench
- thigh high socks
- oxfords :)
why? Because I can. Because I want to. ...Often times, I hold myself back from wanting to express myself as boldly as I feel... I'll elaborate on that on another post. But like I said before. 2010. epicness :)
Off that Bilal album? Sometimes. On repeat.
*playing in the background right now as we speak* ... Yaay for comments!!! lol... thanks Ify :)