I am aware of the Manchild. A boy trapped inside the body of a man. ...and I am also aware of the Womanchild... and I will admit, sometimes I feel like one. I would echo the lyric: "I'm not a girl not yet a woman" ..but I just cringed, by typing these words (oh britney lol ..smh), but it's part of my reality so *shrug*.... it's called growth.. and I'm dealing with it.
I just ran into this video from Amanada Diva... and it's pure love :) ... I haven't heard anything from her since the track ManWomanBoogie on Q-tip's last album. She's coming out with new EP soon, I'm pretty excited. Something about this track reminded me of Lauryn Hill... :)(not comparing her to her, but just saying I miss L-boogie)
Face the Sky (Daft Punk vs. Kanye West Ft. Lupe Fiasco) by DJ Dain
Questions - asa
Asa - Questions by djdemonangel
I just ran into Adele's new single! Her debut album 19 is still playing on my ipod, and so YES, I'm excited for 21!... set to be released early 2011.
... I need to learn how to manage my time, and my stress properly.
When words fail... music speaks.
and for that I'm thankful... this is a week that only music, time and God's favour can fix.
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