Thursday, February 10, 2011

One Day It'll all Make sense

For 22 years.. I have been granted breath. One of the simplest and most beautiful gifts that I could've ever been given... and just when I thought things couldn't get any better, I am overwhelmed with love and messages wishing me ... Happy Birthday.

Today (feb 1st, 2011) I welcome myself and my 22 year old self into this world. Today my new year starts. Good morning. Good morning silence, good morning to myself. Good morning to the answers I will find.. good morning to the questions, good morning independence or is it loneliness. I pray for God's will to be done.. the very second I was no longer 21 lol. (I too smell india arie all up in this post lol)... but really though. I am greatful and welcome whatever this is, whatever it will be, into my being.
Sometimes I really truly wonder why someone like me can have so many blessings.. it's almost not fair. lol. I guess maybe that's where my purpose or whatever it is I am meant to be on this earth comes in... to give it all back to my community. I am far from righteous, not left but center... grounded in truth I guess... I am praying for understanding and not to be understood.

Humbled. Around this time at 3:15 pm on february 1st 1989, I inhaled and exhaled for the first time. ... 22 years later. I blessed to have been able to take a million breaths over and over. 21 was good to me.

"Her charm is in her silence, she speaks in extended parenthesis" - saul williams

( ( (a million thank you's) ) )

Strange Fruit

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